Bucket List - Kinda

A while back I saw the movie The Bucket List which tells the tale of two men suffering from terminal cancer and facing an inevitable early retirement. Thus,  they plan out a dozen or so objectives to complete before time runs out. Some of these objectives include skydiving, racing, and traveling across the world. Although I'm NOT suffering from anything nor am I so depressed that i am already looking towards early retirement, but it seems that time does get quicker as you get older and there are several things i personally would like to get done before... whatever. And as these two men view death as their finish line, I myself at the ripe age of 23 view another finish line that threatens my youth: marriage, career, and inevitably mortgages, kids, and a house in the boonies. To think that only four or five years ago I had just finished High School, I find myself once again graduating soon, and the thought of where I'll be in another five years seems a tad gloomy and daunting. By looking at those around me who are in their late 20s, some of them are married, imprisoned by their jobs, shackled to their kids, convicted to a 5% 15 year mortgage and live a routine nine to five everyday. They live in the boonies, drive a volvo or a Japanese family sedan (hopefully one that has brakes haha) and they go on walks in the weekend to the local park. Don't get me wrong, by no means do i perceive marriage as death or anything remotely like that. On the contrary, as death is the end of life, marriage is also the end of... something. I want to say words like individuality and freedom, but i don't think that would be completely accurate. This is actually a horrible metaphor, or is it a simile? It's a simile. But honestly, between you and me, the thought of all those things listed earlier, maybe not career or mortgage, but yeah the thought... it's incredibly scary. For me, that will my finish line. It is the end point of my youth and the beginning of something completely and utterly terrifying. And so, before this inevitability and 5% mortgage rate dawns on me, i will make my own bucket list. A list that doesn't necessarily affect the course of my life after the finish line nor are they significant accomplishments, but they're simply things that need to be done. And although, some people see this need as foolish, unnecessary, utterly weird and possibly don't understand it, nonetheless I just need to get this done. And so here it is: my own bucket list.

1.  Get a Tattoo
2.  Learn to drive stick
3.  Own a motorcycle
4.  Learn Mandarin and if possible, Korean
5.  Backpack across Europe and China, and eat everything.
7.  Run a marathon
8.  Bungee Jump off Macao's tower - highest bungee jump in the world
9.  Skydive in Australia
10. Try Kobe Beef, Singaporean Bone Marrow (pic above), and the best Sushi i will ever have. 
11. Reach 6 feet and have an awesome BMI
12. Read 1000 books
12. Save someone's life

Ok. So this list isn't completely finished yet, I still need to add several things that i  can't think of at this moment. But yeah, for now this is it.


johnson said...

As I was reading this, I thought I was laughing in my head till my dad came over and thought something was wrong with me. Great post bro.