Wisdom Vs. Knowledge

A friend once told me that the only difference discerning between knowledge and wisdom, is action. Where knowledge merely requires the correct plane of thought, wisdom however, demands for action inspired by knowledge. So often times, we live our lives learning so many things; learning to be stronger, to be smarter, to be more morally conscious, ultimately so that we become better people. However, knowledge is useless if it is not acted upon. In this sense, one may know clearly and distinctly between what is right and what it is wrong, yet wisdom understands that it does not solely demand action from the heart to believe, but action upon the body to move.

I have seen the wrongs of the world and often live as though they are transparent to me, and when asked regarding views of such menace, such immorality I clearly and so profoundly state that such things are wrong, that I am different, and that as a Christian my life is clear of such things. Yet, when asked what it is that makes me as a Christian separate from the evil and wrong, that makes me different and unique, my belief doesn’t do enough justice to proclaim my existence and my devotion. In this sense as a Christian, but more so as a human being visible to such evil in this world, by simply knowing that such things are wrong does nothing for this world and implies for no change.

We cannot correct the wrong by simply knowing, but by acting upon what is right. By simply standing firm to the sways of the world, knowing boldly that such things are wrong, is simply not enough for the world to change. We need to correct those things. We are called not merely to believe, but to act and seek out and correct the wrong.

As I reflect more and more upon my life, I see myself as more of a hypocrite. A man that is strung together with beliefs or rather knowledge of what is right, but lives a life that is void of passion and devotion. So often I see my reflection in the mirror and I am ashamed of the lies and the forgery that has become who I am, and the lack of strength I have to change myself.

So often it is remarked that passion without wisdom is simply ignorance and meaningless, yet wisdom without passion is useless and void of purpose. As a Christian, I know what I firmly believe and that my faith and knowing of what is true is concrete. However, void of passion I am without a will to act and to change, or rather without inspiration to live according to my faith at times.

Simply, I believe that as a human being, not just specifically Christians, but as men and women we are called to act. To live a life that is based according to what we so passionately realize is right and true. To live knowing that with each stride, with each decision we are changing not only the world that we see as corruptible, but ultimately we are changing our views and strengthening our beliefs in ourselves in recognizing what is right. We are able to become better people. Therefore, to simply know is not enough, action is required.